Monday, April 15, 2019

Wall Street Journal comments have changed

The Wall Street Journal has changed its online comments to give it more control of the comment process. There are five changes (outlined here).
  1. Only WSJ members (subscribers) can participate.
  2. Comments will close 48 hours after an article is posted.
  3. More moderators have been added. 
  4. Comments will be opened with a question: "To facilitate thoughtful and meaningful discourse, a WSJ reporter will initiate the discussion with a question. This will help keep comments on point and give members the ability to interact with our journalists."
  5. Immediate e-mails about whether a comment is approved or rejected.
Closing comments after a certain amount of time is nothing new, and most comments are made in the hours after an article is posted. Opening the article comments with a question is unusual, however. I am skeptical it will keep discussions on track, but worth a try. 

1 comment:

  1. Another article on this move by the WSJ:


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